Wednesday 2 May 2012

Jake Jake film

We shot everything in two days. It was a bit of a struggle to find the set in the end. We initially chose one of the locations I found, the park that was by the train tracks, and quite deserted and dodgy. when we went to film it proved that it was actually very dodgy as there was a group of guys who were a bit dangerous if we stayed to film, and we didn't want to put ourselves and the equipment in danger. so we went strolling downs streets trying to find a new park. In the end we thought about Swans Lake park which was public enough that no one could pick on us, but hidden enough that there weren't that many people using it. We did have few families with children that came in, but they saw us working so they avoided as much as possible the corner we were using. Everything went smoothly, James the actor was good and understood our directions. I was on camera and Lawrence was directing it. Michaela and Stephanie were there to help with whatever we needed. It only took a couple of hours on each of the days We had to make small changes to the script on the spot, so it was useful to have Michaela there to help out, as she wrote the script. The script was quite specific about the setting of the park, and the order of all the components so it was hard to find a park that had all the components from the script near by each other. The main things we needed in the script were swings, a seesaw and a roundabout. The one we used in the end had the swings and seesaw but it didn't have the roundabout so we had to use the scales and slides instead. It worked out well in the end. Lawrence is been working on editing and we're getting together today to watch it. I am a bit worried about the sound, as we were meant to record some separately but I'm not sure if that's been done. Fortunately we received an extension on the deadline as the trip to Skye was delayed, it was meant to take place at the end of March but it wasn't possible, so we went in April. This made us be distracted from all the coursework we had, as we came back just under two weeks before the 4 deadlines we had, so the extensions really helped.

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