Wednesday 8 February 2012


Seen these guys before doing some interesting stuff production-wise with their music videos. They are known for their inovative videos like "Here it goes again" where it's all done in one shot. The only thing about their videos is that you end up ignoring the music because you are captivated by the video. At it's beginnings, the music video was produced in order to promote a song, but now it seems that there isn't that much emphasis on this distinction.

This new one is really good as well, I love the motion and rhythm of it. I am still trying to figure out how it's done, I'm not sure if it's stop motion and film, or just film and it's made to look like stop motion. I know I can probably find something online about it, but I always like to try and figure it out myself, I feel it makes me think about new techniques and ideas whilst doing this

There is also this Japanese video called Slow Motion Dancing which is really cool. There is nothing particularly challenging in terms of production, as the slow motion is done by the dancers but it's still a very interesting experiment

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